Buzdolabı ve televizyon gibi elektronik eşyaların paketlenmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılan kağıt malzemeler daha sonra tüketiciler tarafından atılmakta ve bu da büyük miktarda atık kağıt malzeme üretilmesine neden olmaktadır.
ALSECO, tanınmış geri dönüşüm tesisleriyle işbirliği içinde, yeni kağıt ağaçlarının kesilmesini önleyen ve çevresel atık sorununu azaltan doğru bir seçim yoluyla hurda kağıtların yeniden kullanımını mümkün kılar.
ALSECO, ace, hard mix (sert karışım), soft mix (yumuşak karışım) ve ONP gibi hurda kağıtların doğrudan ihracatçısıdır.
Birçok tanınmış üretici ile işbirliğimiz sayesinde, müşterilerimizin taleplerini ve standart kalitelerini karşılayabilmemiz için büyük miktarda Metrik Ton tedarik edebiliyoruz.
Daha fazla bilgi almak için iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin, deneyimli profesyonellerden oluşan ekibimiz her zaman emrinizde.
Europe | CEPI EN 643-2013 | 1.04.00 – 1.04.01 – 1.04.02 |
USA | PS-2018 | NONE |
Australia | ACOR | AuRPS HM- 02 |
Old Grade Name: Supermarket corrugated paper and board Grade Name: Corrugated Paper and Board Packaging Code: 1.04.00 Prohibitive Materials: None Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: None Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 70% of corrugated board, the rest being other packaging papers and boards |
Old Grade Name: Supermarket corrugated paper and board Grade Name: Ordinary Corrugated Paper and Board Code: 1.04.01 Prohibitive Materials: None Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: None Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 70% of corrugated board, the rest being other paper and board products |
Old Grade Name: Supermarket corrugated paper and board Grade Name: Corrugated Paper and Board Code: 1.04.02 Prohibitive Materials: None Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: None Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 80% of corrugated board, the rest being other paper and board products |
Old Grade Name: NONE Grade Name: NONE Code: NONE Prohibitive Materials: NONE Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: NONE Description: NONE |
Old Grade Name: Hard Mixed Grade Name: Hard Mixed Code: AuRPS HM- 02 ISRI Grade: ISRI (3): Hard Mixed Paper Prohibitive Materials: May not exceed 1.0% Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: High wet strength papers may not exceed 3.0% Description: Consists of a mixture of various qualities of paper and paperboard that contains a high percentage of corrugated and folding carton boards with no limit as to other fiber content |
CEPI EN 643 – 2013 Europe | ISRI PS-2018 | ACOR |
Old Grade Name: Supermarket corrugated paper and board Grade Name: Corrugated Paper and Board Packaging Code: 1.04.00 Prohibitive Materials: None Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: None Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 70% of corrugated board, the rest being other packaging papers and boards | Old Grade Name: Hard Mixed Grade Name: Hard Mixed Code: AuRPS HM- 02 ISRI Grade: ISRI (3): Hard Mixed Paper Prohibitive Materials: May not exceed 1.0% Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: High wet strength papers may not exceed 3.0% Description: Consists of a mixture of various qualities of paper and paperboard that contains a high percentage of corrugated and folding carton boards with no limit as to other fiber content |
Old Grade Name: Supermarket corrugated paper and board Grade Name: Ordinary Corrugated Paper and Board Code: 1.04.01 Prohibitive Materials: None Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: None Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 70% of corrugated board, the rest being other paper and board products | ||
Old Grade Name: Supermarket corrugated paper and board Grade Name: Corrugated Paper and Board Code: 1.04.02 Prohibitive Materials: None Outthrows Plus Prohibitive: None Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 80% of corrugated board, the rest being other paper and board products |